The Best of May 2014 – Kid Stuff

kid stuff monthly wrapup kids

Tuesday Top Ten

tuesday top ten

So this week was a freebie, a topic of our own choosing.  Since I am a bit nostalgic as I get ready for my son to graduate from high school, I decided to list the top ten picture books that I read to my kids when they were little.

read aloud

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the Broke and the Bookish

The Best of April 2014 – Kid Stuff

best of april kids

monthly wrapup kids

The Boy on the Wooden Box

boy on the wooden boxThe author, Leon Leyson, was born Leib Lezjon in Narewka Poland.  He was only ten years old when the Nazis invaded Poland and forced his family into the Krakow ghetto.  Courage, determination and luck would leave him a survivor of the ghetto and his next stop – the Plaszow concentration camp.  But ultimately it would be his name on a list, Oskar Schindler’s list, which would save his life, the life of his parents, and the lives of two of his siblings.

Leon was the youngest child on the list, and the only one to publish a memoir.  He tells the story as only a child survivor can, through the eyes of innocence, a combination of fear and confusion.  A child who at the end of each horrific day only wants his mother.  More amazing than his strength, courage, and survival is the seeming lack of bitterness or anger in his telling of the story.  He does not give the Nazis that final power over his life as he comes to California, becomes educated, serves in the military, marries, works, and raises a family with love and dignity.

A perfect way to introduce students to the atrocities of the Holocaust, the book is appropriate for middle school students and teens, giving them a glimpse of the atrocities suffered by children their own age in a story that is ultimately filled with kindness, heroism, and hope.  But this is more than a book for kids, this biography is a moving story for adults, providing a unique perspective.  Beautifully told, this is also a beautiful book, with photographs of Leon and his family as well as photos of Oskar Schindler and his list.

Title: The Boy on the Wooden Box
Author: Leon Leyson
Genre: Non-Fiction, History, Young Adult
Pages: 240
Publication:  Atheneum Books for Young Readers, August 2013

Ninja Librarian Recon Team

recon wide

This week’s assignment for the Ninja Librarians Recon Team?  In the book, Dorrie and Marcus accidentally bring along Moe, a mongoose, on their adventure (Well, okay, more like they follow him to the mysterious room).  What animal would you take with you if you were going on an adventure?

dogsI would cheat and take two!  My dogs, Nala (a German Shepherd) and Hugo (a Pug).  Because although they are both extremely loyal, great sniffers, and wonderful company, they are also both very different.  Nala is my protector.  I have full confidence that under any situation she would protect me at all costs.  She’s also my working dog, one that will lead the way, find what is lost, and work tirelessly for me.  Hugo on the other hand…  Well, Hugo makes me laugh.  And when on an adventure, faced with danger and frustration, we all need someone who can make us laugh!

What animal would you take with you on an adventure?

Oh!  And exciting news!  The Ninja Librarian website is up and running! You can access it here:  In addition to a trailer, the webpage contains fantastic downloadables for Ninja Librarian fans, such as an Educator Guide, Mission Activity Kit, and a special Guide to Petrarch’s Library!  Check it out!